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Make sure you get to school with plenty of time to walk to your lesson. Some lessons are on the otherside of the school and you will be expected to be there at 8.45am to start regardless. 


Here is everything you will need to know about your timetable and the timings of the day. Don't worry about your specific timetable, this will be given to you on the first day and explained to you by your form tutor. This is when you will find out what lessons you have each day but until then here is some general information. 



You will have a range of subjects over a two week timetable. This means that you will have a timetable for week one and then a timetable for week two. After that it goes back to week one and it will keep rotating. We always start in September on week one but if we finish a term or half term on week one, we will come back after the short break to week two. If we finish on a week two, we will come back on a week one.


Don't worry if this sounds confusing, in your school diary it will tell you the dates and the week we are in for each of those dates!




School starts at 8.45am and ends at 3.10pm. Your day is made up of five one hour lessons (or in some cases a double lesson that is two hours), with a tutor time session and a 20 minute morning break followed by a 40 minute lunch. At the end of section the school bell will sound signifying it's time to move on. This is how the day is broken up:


8.45 am - Day Starts 

8.45am - 9.45 am - Lesson 1

9.45am - 10.45am - Lesson 2

10.45am - 11.10am - Tutor time or assembly

11.10am - 11.30am - Break time

11.30am - 12.30am - Lesson 3

12.30am - 1.00pm - The first half of lesson 4

1.00pm - 1.40pm - Lunchtime

1.40pm - 2.10pm - The second half of lesson 4 

2.10pm - 3.10pm - Lesson 5

3.10pm - End of Day



You are expected to be outside the classroom ready to learn by these times, not on your way to lesson! If you are not there, you are late. Teachers will allow you some sensible travelling time between lessons but will expect you to be at their classrooms when the bell goes at the start of the day or after break or lunch time.

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