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You know what you need to know? - Check

You know how best you learn/remember? - Check

You know what activities to do to revise? - Check

You have your revision plan sorted? - Check

Now it's time to get down to it! 

Here are some tip written by CGP, the UK's leading revision guide experts on how to revise effectively!

Start revising early - i.e. months, not days before the exam. Make a timetable (see samples) to plan your revision and stick to it.

Don't spend ages making your notes look pretty — this is just wasting time. For diagrams, include all the details you need to learn, but don't try to produce a work of art. Limit yourself to 2 or 3 colours so you don't get carried away colouring things in.

Take short breaks — every hour, not every 10 minutes.

Start revising early in the day - i.e. 9am — that way you'll get your day's work done much quicker and will have time to relax in the evening.

Find the right environment to revise - NOT in front of the TV. NOT listening to the radio. Music can sometimes be OK, but you need to find the right kind. It's got to be something that's just there in the background that you're not thinking about at all. 

Stick revision notes all around your house -so in the exam you think — "aha, quadratic equations, they were on the fridge..."

Get yourself drinks and snacks - so you don't make excuses to stop every 10 minutes...

Don't put it off - "Procrastination" is the long word for it. And it means rearranging stuff on your desk, getting a sudden urge after 16 years to tidy your room, playing the guitar, thinking about the weekend,  etc, etc, etc,... Sit down at your desk and GET ON WITH IT.

Don't just read your notes - you have to WRITE STUFF DOWN. This is real basic "how to revise" stuff. For the full details, get yourself a copy of our "How to Revise" book.


Don't turn yourself into a revision zombie — if you stop doing anything else but revision you'll turn into a zombie. It's really important that you keep time to do things you enjoy.

Do lots of practice exam papers - This is especially important as you get close to the exams . 

Read the exam timetable properly — double-check so you don't miss an exam and have plenty of time to prepare for it.

Other useful videos to sharpen your revision!

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